Friday, December 3, 2010

5 Things You Need to Know About HIV

I know this is already outside of my blogsite topic but I just want everyone to be aware of its possibilities.

What to know :

1. We only have one life. HIV is a serious threat to life.

What is HIV(Human Immunodeficieny)?

Refers to the virus that destroys the human body's natural defense(immune system) againts disease or infection.

What is AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)?

Refers to the state or condition when the body manifests signs and symptoms of any disease because it's immune system has been made deficient or destroyed by HIV.

2. TWO possibilities: You may have, or may not have HIV

You can never tell if someone has HIV simply by the way he/she looks, feels or acts

HIV is a fragile type of virus that can never thrive outside the human body, but inside, conditions are perfect for the virus to survive and multiply. Never allow HIV to get inside your body, HIV infection is very preventable and controllable. It's what you do that makes you vulnerable. Don't do risky behavior and you'll never have it.
If in doubt of your HIV status, submit your self for HIV Antibody Test NOW. Don't be afraid. Maximum confidentiality is highly observed. Don't wait until you get sick. Early detection makes a lot of difference.

3. Three Modes of Transmission

        1. Blood Transimission - 90%-98%

               a. Blood Transfusion
               b. Organ
               c. Sharing Used Needles (IUD)
               d. Needle Pricks (injectable needles)

         2. Sexual Transmission - unprotected Sex with multi-partners 1-98% depending on:
               a. Frequently - (sometimes, often, always)
               b. Manner - (Anal, Vaginal, Oral)

         3. Mother to Child Transmission - 15%-30%

              a. During pregnancy - 15%
              b. Process of delivery - 20%
              c. Through Breastfeeding - 30%

4. Four Body Fluids Capable of Transmitting HIV:
  • Blood
  • Breast Milk
  • Vaginal Fluid
  • Seminal Fluid
Not saliva, tears, perspiration, urine nor stools, etc. HIV cannot be transmitted through casual social contact. There is no reason why we should fear and discriminate people living with HIV(PLHIVs). They have the right to live and are productive members of society if given due care, treatment and support. It is unlawful to discriminate PLHIVs. You can be penalized and imprisoned! STOP the STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION!

5. Five ways to prevent and control HIV infection
  • Abstinence
  • Be mutually faithful to uninfected partner
  • Careful Sex (Correct and Consistent Condom Use)
  • Don't use drugs, nor drink too much alcohol
  • Education and early detection and treament
        There's no cure, nor vaccine to stop HIV and AIDS

HOPE for PLHIVs- the Anti Retro Viral Drug
        Although they cannot totally eradicate HIV, ARVs have dramatically reduced deaths and illnesses, prolonged lives, and improved the quality of life of people living with HIV (PLHIVs). ARVs are now available for FREE. Being positive ti HIV is not the end of the world. Submit yourself for HIV Anti-body Test now. Support froups are waiting to help you.


       Once you don't have HIV, you'll never have it IF you take precaution.

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